I am very happy to host in this interview a person I respect, an excellent journalist, who however doesn’t push it around like others do, she’s Assunta Corbo . I ended up “by chance” on her site, but as she rightly says, nothing is by chance in this life, and in fact now that I have read her lines I understand that I had to come across it and learn something. Assunta wasn’t always as serene as she is now. In the past her self-esteem was very low, but today it has changed. Assunta is an “enlightened heart”, as I like to say, a person who has been able to grasp great lessons from her life, dedicating herself, in her words, to “the search for a better life, trying to achieve a dream, define goals and realize them, find your smile again, take on life’s challenges and win them. All this is possible if you act and think according to the principles of the law of attraction and more. The mind is our greatest ally and thanks to it we can achieve everything we want. “
His blog www.thatsgoodnewsblog.com is a beautiful space full of good news , as the name itself says. It was born from his desire for change. Those who suffer from depression, or those who are looking to make a change in their life, can find relief and draw inspiration from the stories of those who have managed to change. The world around us is the victim of a series of tragic and depressing news, which only increases our discomfort. The news and news magazines have become sad reports of misery and desperation, without providing the reader with any hope. Assunta Corbo rebels against this trend and manages to provide truly positive news, which truly demonstrates that “it can be done”. The site also hosts personal growth initiatives and events , reflections, ideas on positive readings and all the intimate and passionate nature of Assunta, whom I thank infinitely for her work and also for the kind interview she granted me. Thanks Assunta, keep it up! A virtual hug.
Tell us a little about yourself, who are you, what do you love, what do you hate most? Character, objectives…
I am a freelance journalist. A job that I have always had in mind to do and that I started as a girl in the newspaper of the town where I lived with my parents, then during university. The passion then grew to become a profession. Today I can say I am truly grateful and happy for having fulfilled this dream with my strength and the support of my family. At this moment in my life, my work as a journalist has expressed itself in an even more beautiful and exciting version, that of good news, optimism and personal and spiritual growth.
What, if anything, triggered the depressive situation in your life? Or at least the desire for change? And if there is no specific cause, tell us how you felt/feel anyway.
I have never suffered from depression. I believe it is a very difficult condition to treat with due care. I have experienced some cases of this indirectly in my family. As far as I’m concerned, two and a half years ago I decided that the life I was leading no longer belonged to me. I was always tired and in a hurry. I had no time for myself and my family. I worked tirelessly and was never able to say no to jobs. I didn’t exist and my self-esteem was truly at -0 level. One day while talking to a friend I woke up, also thanks to reading The Secret , by Rhonda Byrn , which this friend of mine recommended to me. She was taking a cold shower. But the kind that gives you strength and wakes you up. I understood that something had to change and I decided in that moment to make it happen.
How did you overcome that moment/moments of depression in your life?
The first thing I did was to take responsibility for what was happening in my life. Everything I didn’t like, as well as everything that was good, I had created. As? With my choices, with my thoughts, with my actions. Taking responsibility is a fundamental step to initiate change. We are used to blaming others, society, the economic crisis, the boss, the parents… but what do we do? Even just giving someone else the power to ruin our lives is a choice. And we do it. After an initial moment of disorientation, something clicked. I went from saying to myself “but how is it possible that I created all this?” to say “wow, so just as I have done damage I can change everything and do fantastic things!!”. And so it all began. The rest was made up of readings, meetings, the birth of my blog, actions, changes. Habits, for example, are the first thing to change. Because to be different we cannot continue to do the same things over and over again. This is what I recommend, for example, in my e-book Exercise Happiness which you can download on my blog. Inside there are 21 small change exercises.
What advice do you feel you can give to those experiencing even serious depressive situations?
Honestly, this is such a delicate topic that I believe it is necessary to consult a professional. Maybe a coach who helps to awaken that something within oneself that has remained dormant. Because happiness is already within us and as I like to say it just needs to be recognized.
Has writing for various sites or your own blog helped you overcome depression? Would you recommend starting a blog or journal to someone suffering from depression?
Although I have not suffered from depression, I can say that the blog was highly therapeutic during my time of change. Also for the topics it deals with, obviously. But in general, keeping a diary is always an excellent help. Writing down thoughts and emotions helps to regain the right dimension of things. A very powerful tool in this sense is the gratitude diary which I also talk about in the blog and in this video.
Was there a person, parent/relative/friend, who was particularly close to you in difficult times and who you would like to thank? Or an association or support group that you can recommend to readers for support?
Personally I have always been very lucky. My family and my husband have been a real force at my side. As well as my best friend. Having someone close to you is important and the advice I can give is not to isolate yourself but to share . When we talk about our mood we help the mind to process and lighten it and the person we talk to can give us a different point of view. This can be a great help. Situations, thoughts and things do not have a value in themselves. They are as we see them. This is why another person’s point of view can help.
What helps you move forward and prevent depression again?
I have allied myself with the idea of change as a fundamental element of life . Everything changes, everything changes, everything passes. And then I worked on the concept of the present. How am I in the here and now? Happiness, the real one, is this. Gratitude, in this sense, helps a lot to identify the things – even obvious ones – that we already have and that we lose sight of.
What pushed you to create your own blog, given that you were already an established journalist?
Creating a blog seems to be a natural evolution of a journalist. So I wanted to have my own space where I could write about what I loved. When I had to choose the theme, the world of good news, happiness and personal growth opened up to me. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. It had to go like this. It is my purpose in this life: to spread change and positive attitude in everyday life.
For those who want to make a living from this work, writing on the web, what advice would you give for monetizing it?
First choose to write about something you are truly passionate about. Be authentic and put a lot of effort into it. Use a bit of strategy as the great web marketers of the moment explain but also a lot of empathy. This is what makes the difference.
How do you experience the career-family combination? Since from experience I know that it is not easy to write with children around, as I am also a periodical mother 🙂
In reality I experience it with extreme serenity. My parents help me, my husband is a wonderful dad and Giulia – my 4 year old daughter – has been used to coming to my meetings since she was little, to staying at home with me even during interviews or while I write. In this case too it’s a question of habit 😉
You wrote your own book on how to practice happiness, how did you do it? It has been difficult? What advice would you give to someone who wants to do it?
Thanks to self-publishing, today it is very simple to write your own e-book. It comes naturally to me, given my work. I love writing and I love the idea of being able to give new stimuli to those who read me. In Exercise your happiness there is this: practical, simple stimuli that can be applied immediately to feel better. They are what I have applied to my life.
Do you think that happiness is a possible goal to achieve even for people who suffer from serious depressive illnesses? What advice would you give to these people?
Yes, I strongly believe so. With the help of a professional, as I said before. On my blog I interview many coaches who I respect and would recommend to anyone who needs them. Everything I talk about in the blog has been tested, studied and observed extensively by me. My advice? Starting from what we like about our life and choosing to change what is wrong.
You have said several times that you have learned to recognize happiness instead of looking for it. What do you mean exactly?
I mean that happiness is not to be achieved. Because with this idea we could spend our lives and remain dissatisfied. Happiness is here, now. In my answering these questions there is happiness because I think of you who are interested in my work and of those who will read the answers and perhaps find an incentive to feel better. This is the happiness to be recognized. Don’t take it for granted but be happy even for a fresh sip of water that has quenched your thirst or for a ray of sunshine coming through the window.
You are a firm believer in the fact that we are the only creators of our lives. What would you say to those who feel stuck in an unfair reality that they didn’t choose and that they can’t change?
Even the most unfair reality was the result of some choice. However, when things happen that go beyond our control, it is how we deal with them that makes the difference. You can be a victim or you can take up the experience as a new challenge that will teach you a lesson. Everything that happens to us is something we have to go through to grow. Welcome, accept and then say “ok, now I’ll face it”. The real secret is not to avoid problems but to have the tools to deal with them.
Are you a believer? Where do you think the deepest joy comes from, from work success, from altruism, from family and loved ones, or from something else?
The deepest joy is within us. It’s all within us. Any faith or religious belief says this. There is no job, person or situation that can give us joy and happiness. We are the only ones who can give it to ourselves. Why should we trust others with our happiness? We are unique beings and have everything we need to be happy.
You stated that you often felt wrong, then you realized that the only thing wrong was your attitude. How did you change it? What are the readings you most highly recommend to acquire positive thinking?
I changed my habits and my thoughts. There are many books that have helped me. Besides The Secret, which is an excellent starting point, I think of “ The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ” by Robin Sharma , “ Why I Dream Strong ” by Roberta Liguori and “ I Learned to Laugh ” by Richard Romagnoli . They are my best friends ☺